Simmered Duck with Cabbage & Potatoes
Simmered Duck with Cabbage & Potatoes is a cozy dish ready in 2 hours. Enjoy tender duck legs simmered with sweet cabbage and earthy potatoes. Perfect for dinner!
Simmered Duck with Cabbage & Potatoes is a cozy dish ready in 2 hours. Enjoy tender duck legs simmered with sweet cabbage and earthy potatoes. Perfect for dinner!
Enjoy this Creamy Broccoli Soup with Goat Cheese ready in 30 minutes. A comforting dish perfect for chilly evenings. Serves 4 and is easy to make!
Easy Thai Stir-Fried Chicken with Basil in 30 minutes. This quick and delicious dish features chicken, fresh basil, garlic, and bell peppers. Perfect for weeknight dinners. Serves 4. Healthy!
Lemon & Rosemary Roast Chicken is a delicious dish ready in 1 hour 40 minutes. Enjoy this easy roast with fresh herbs for Sunday dinner!
Enjoy this Stir-Fried Rice with Cabbage & Bacon in just 30 minutes! A savory dish featuring bacon, cabbage, and leftover rice. Perfect for any meal.
Enjoy Roast Chicken & Sticky Carrots in 1 hour. This hearty dish features succulent roast chicken and sweet glazed carrots. Perfect for family dinners!
One-Pot Lentil Chicken ready in 50 minutes combines chicken, lentils, and veggies for a hearty meal. Perfect for busy weeknights! Serves 6.
Griddled Asparagus is a quick 15-minute recipe that highlights fresh asparagus and lemon zest. Perfect for any occasion! Serves 4.
Speedy Chorizo with Chickpeas is a quick 25-min meal featuring chorizo and chickpeas. A flavorful dish perfect for busy weeknights!
Pasta ‘ncasciata is a traditional Sicilian baked dish featuring rigatoni, eggplant, mozzarella & tomato sauce. Ready in 60 mins for 6 servings.